Our Safe Little World 4

From The Age:

Australians are grumpy about John Howard’s handling of health. They are unsure of education. They oppose the war on Iraq and are wary of IR changes. And yet … they like the Prime Minister. It seems that if the economy’s good, Australians are willing to forgive almost anything

“He’s a pretty solid PM — pretty honest,” says Hancock. “The way he gets a handle on the economy is the best thing he does. You don’t have high inflation and rates going through the roof.”

Most people live their lives around family and children and bills and mortgages and footy and mates, and politics comes in at number 12 — unless they’re angry. At the moment, through John Howard’s leadership, you rarely have an angry Australia.

Putting aside whether Labor or Liberal would handle the economy better (that is a debate within itself), it seems the prime concern of most Australians is their precious hard-earned cash.

We live in our own little isolated world, worrying about a slight increase in our massive debts. We have forgotten what it is truly like to have no money; to live in poverty. We pay little heed to our politicians sending us to dubious wars over the other side of the world. We happily let our lives and society be dominated and ruled by the United States. We ignore the environment and global warming; more concerned with whether we can afford that fancy new TV.

We live in our own safe little world, oblivious to the greater worries of the world. Lucky us.

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4 thoughts on “Our Safe Little World

  • Daniel

    Although that is a distinct possibility, we have to remember that we as a species are possible of great things.

    There is always hope. Society can change, attitudes can change. If we all lose hope and stop pushing for change we might as we give up our existence now. Good can always balance out the bad.

  • ashling

    “Australians are grumpy about John Howard’s handling of health. They are unsure of education. They oppose the war on Iraq and are wary of IR changes. And yet … they like the Prime Minister.”

    *cough* im not sure if it’s that important whether or not we like johnnie how hard … personally, i cant stand the man and yet, im sure his mother loves him.

    Imho, the leader of a political party is supposed to represent the policies, values and ideas etc etc to that party … and being a democracy *coughs*again* subject to the majority vote.

    How the liberals ever hold the balance of power in our country is truly beyond me. Unfortunatley, what we now see here in australia, is a selfish short sighted attitude to our existence … basically its one of me me me & now now now.

    The only way to change this prevailing attitude is imho to educate our children. They are the future and the only way forward and will act as intruments of change … and always remember, where there is breath there is hope 🙂

    … so go ahead and make lots of babies 🙂

  • michael

    principles have become a luxury
    we entertain them after we have finished being greedy

    when the world becomes inhabited by sleepwalkers,
    artists do not join forces with alarm clocks
    they rearrange the nightmare
