Iraqi blog nominated for award 3

From The Age:

An anonymous Iraqi woman was nominated today as a contender for a major literary award for her internet blog-based account of the Iraq war and its deadly impact on ordinary Iraqi people.

Using the internet as her outlet, the Iraqi author, who is in her late 20s, chronicles her anger and fear during “three years of occupation and bloodshed” in Baghdad.

It’s great to see how the Internet and blogging is able to open up free-speech and potentially democratise the media. Obviously not everyone will be following this first-hand account of the War in Iraq; they will still quite happily be spoon feed by the world’s Western-centric media. However, at least we can get a first-hand account – the opportunity exists. Think of only 60 years ago in World War II; all news and commentary was filtered through several stages before it reached the general public. It would be near impossible to easily get a first-hand account of the plight of the Jews, or of war-encumbered Berlin.

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Another interesting Iraqi blog: Today in Iraq

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